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Dynaudio Magazine

Dynaudio Magazine est notre univers d'articles liés au son et à la musique, de vidéos et de podcasts couvrant tout, des enceintes et de la technologie aux personnes hors du commun, ainsi que nos meilleurs trucs et astuces.

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High-end audio on the road - choosing the sound for your car

On this episode of Ask the Expert, Mikael Ankersen gives you an introduction to the Dynaudio automotive audio universe. So, if you're a fan of high-en...


Mixing in Immersive - Going beyond stereo

On this episode of Ask the Expert, we're going beyond the realm of stereophonia! Stephen Entwistle gives some pointers on how to get stuck into mixing...


How to listen like a professional sound engineer

In this episode of Ask the Expert, we've got Stephen Entwistle in the hot seat, sharing pearls of wisdom on how to train your way to a great pair of c...