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Dynaudio Magazine

Dynaudio Magazine est notre univers d'articles liés au son et à la musique, de vidéos et de podcasts couvrant tout, des enceintes et de la technologie aux personnes hors du commun, ainsi que nos meilleurs trucs et astuces.

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Damaged speakers? How do I know?

Have you ever accidentally dimed your amp or had some other kind of mishap, giving you cause to fear for your speakers' safety? Have no fear. More tha...


Four new products on show - High End Munich 2024

We’re going to give an exclusive first-look at four brand-new products during this year’s High-End show in Munich – as well as showing off some exciti...


What kind of subwoofer should I choose? Sealed or ported?

On this episode Ask The Expert, we're discussing subwoofer design, and the pros and cons of sealed-box versus ported designs in the world of low end d...